So look at the time. And look ata the date. And think. Yes, this is it. This is technically the first day of school. **DING DING DING** it's time to start round two!!
Today went smoothly and is thankfully over. Phase One complete. After tossing and turning all night I got up and was at school by 8:30 (even though we didn't have to be there
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Sunday was such a waste. Meaning: I got up, did nothing, watched a movie, did nothing, TOOK A NAP (who does that???), drove to Union to drop off le Mazda, watched another movie with Benny, and then came back home
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I know I'm overdue for an update and will get to that later....
For now: Open House is today at 3:30. Before that we have a luncheon with the District Office. Yes, I'm scared to death and I'm dreading it. I still have to finish my room! Thank God Nana is coming this morning.